Our Founding

“November 29th, 2017

A gunman climbed The Montage condominium tower in downtown Reno, broke into an occupied condo, and began shooting down onto the streets below. With the October 1st shooting in Las Vegas still very fresh in everyone's mind, nearly every available resource was sent downtown.

Thankfully, the situation ended much more favorably. Just like any bored security guard when something more interesting is happening elsewhere, I'm listening to the police scanner. One thing that caught my attention was a directive given by an Incident Commander.

Disregard all but Priority One calls.

Police, Sheriff, Highway Patrol, and federal agencies were all busy downtown. 911 calls were being handled by a mishmash of officers and deputies who were called in from days off or even hundreds of miles away.

A gap was left because of the emergency, lower priority calls couldn’t be handled. Who could check the backyard for prowlers, break up a small fight, direct traffic away from an injury collision, or maintain a crime scene?

Maybe I could.”